Beneath Sheep's Clothing Extended Interview Footage - James Lindsay
Beneath Sheep's Clothing Extended Interview Footage - James Lindsay

Get ready to beef up your education on communism with "Beneath Sheep's Clothing" extended interview footage with James Lindsay, renowned researcher, author, and expert on communism's incursion into America!  In total, this roughly 5 hours of power-packed content in 3 separate parts will immerse you in more deeply understanding the communist takeover of education and churches in America, as well as many other highly-relevant aspects of communism historically and its incursion in Western societies.

Interview 1 - 2 hrs 26 minutes (AVAILABLE NOW)

Timestamps -

0:03 -   Biggest threat to children today – they are being brainwashed, not educated,

1:39 – What is woke? How are children being programmed to become woke?  Through their media environment, education, and their peers.

6:05 – Why are Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) dangerous when they can sound great?

9:36 – How does DEI work in America’s business landscape? 

12:28 – Why businesses are adopting DEI and how ESG works to enforce DEI in the business landscape.

19:57 – Three main agendas of globalist forces – corporate compliance through ESG (public/private partnership, ie fascism), creating a youth culture and consumer base that demands a DEI/ESG-based society, rewriting the social contract of society so people view their role within the lens of DEI/ESG.  How this is connected to communism.

25:24 – How Social & Emotional Learning in the schools has replaced academics and indoctrinates children into accepting DEI and “sustainable development” as their new moral framework

32:36 – Data collection of our children through Ed Tech programs and much more, aggregation and analysis of data with AI, allows the building out of social credit system and control grid like Communist China

40:54 – What is causing the huge increase in kids identifying as “trans”?  Parallels with Mao’s China and the Cultural Revolution.

47:44 – More on Mao’s identity politics, “Unity, Criticism, Unity”

51:45 – Laws in some states allowing the state to take custody of minors who identify as trans and whose parents don’t affirm it, Communist proclivity to separate children from their parents.

58:31 – How a destabilized family is the key piece that would allow societal destabilization and thus a communist revolution.

1:02:31 – Whole Child Education, how it gives the school that much more authority and control over the lives of children and further erodes parental influence and authority, including over nutritional, medical, psychological, and sexual services.

1:11:20 – Why it’s necessary to homeschool your kids.

1:13:02 – How America’s universities were overtaken with communist ideologies.

1:19:30 – Activist teachers

1:25:24 – Teacher’s Unions

1:26:45 – How the experimental program of Social & Emotional Learning got implemented without our permission and how to counter this.

1:30:03 – Assaults to churches today

1:32:23 – World Economic Forum agenda for churches, churches must take on DEI, sustainable development goals though, outwardly, they would still appear to be their own distinct denomination.  How this markedly differs from the communist plot to stamp out churches.

1:41:04 – Churches captured in an identical manner to education – capture the seminaries, so you capture the clergy, then you capture the churches.

1:43:33 – How private schools and even parochial (church) schools are woke, as well.

1:44:32 – Ravening wolves in sheep’s clothing, within the churches.  Why Christians must increase their discernment. 

1:49:59 – How healthy churches, along with the institution of the family, are one of the last stands against communism and other forms of tyranny.  Christianity and Judaism, in particular, are very important to support a prosperous and free society.

1:54:07 – A warning against churches overreacting to woke provocations.  How Christians might most effectively respond to things such as queer Marxism.

1:59:15 – How Western society is founded on the theology of the Bible, whether one believes the stories literally or not. 

2:01:27 – Liberty is the fruit of the Christian framework.  How crucial religious liberty is to the success of our society.  Unfortunately, Christianity is susceptible to communist subversion since communism is the inversion of Christianity.

2:05:00 – How secularism and enlightenment liberalism, with the emphasis on inalienable rights, are outgrowths from the Christian tradition.  All these traditions have had to be ideologically subverted to try to take America.

2:06:46 – The pitting of LGTBQ and Christians against one another for the purpose of nullifying Christianity, and the solutions.

2:12:07 – Solutions – protect your children (homeschool them, deprogram them, safeguard them), remove bad actors from their positions of power, and sue/boycott bad actors.

2:20:13 – Solution – call out psy-ops (psychological operations) before they come to fruition

2:22:45 – Communist tactics almost always go back to Lenin and Stalin in the USSR, it’s the same tactics recycled over and over.

Interview 2 - ~30 minutes (Coming Soon - will email link when it is available)

Interview 3 - ~2 hrs (Coming Soon - will email link when it is available)

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In present-day America, there is a growing concern about the influence of Communist forces, which are purportedly indoctrinating millions of school children and infiltrating churches. This is presented as a tangible threat, not merely a fictional scenario.

Drawing comparisons to historical tactics employed by the Soviet regime, such as indoctrination through government-run schools and infiltration of religious institutions, the urgency of the situation is underscored.

Urgent action is called for to safeguard America from the risk of descending into totalitarianism.

this is a wake up call.
this is a wake up call.